fr:company:News & Events:Company:The academic ‘escape room’ for SEAT’s generation Z MA/FR

Initiative for SEAT’s Gen Z.

SEAT has launched an initiative for the first time to provide company employees’ children with academic and job orientation. The “Descubre-T- by SEAT” session brought together 100 youths in their fourth year of secondary school with the goal of helping them detect their interests, using dynamics and role playing, as a basis for them to decide where to guide their studies.

At a time when the working environment is rapidly changing and future professions are somewhat yet to be defined, “Descubre-T- by SEAT” has exposed young people to situations that enable them to discover themselves in an experiential and inspirational way. The dynamics are unlike the classical orientation session and were carried out through trials that stir curiosity and the desire for learning and training. YouTube teacher David Calle was the master of ceremonies of the session and committed to encouraging and inspiring this Generation Z and make them excited at the infinite possibilities available to them.

SEAT Vice-President for Human Resources Xavier Ros pointed out that “we aim to offer our employees’ teenage children this opportunity to make them think and help them discover their motivations in an experiential manner, at such a relevant time in their academic life. The best indicator of the success of this initiative is the enthusiasm these young people have shown, and even the desire by some of them to steer their studies according to what they experienced at SEAT.”

A dynamic, innovative programme

Descubre-T- by SEAT focuses on academic and job orientation for adolescents.

The first edition of the Descubre-T- by SEAT programme, whose maximum number of participants was reached only 10 minutes after the registration period opened, was organised around different workshops that were attended by all the participants. They were divided into several groups and performed various activities related with every training area, from engineering, medicine and safety to the design of workstations, participating in workshops on new technologies, employment of the future, digitalisation, Industry 4.0 and role-plays linked to the arts with the collaboration of the SEAT Design team, as well as activities on transversal skills such as team management or languages.

The workshops featured new technologies such as drones, 3D printing and augmented reality, among others. A part of the session was also led by an expert in dual vocational training using gaming techniques. Furthermore, they had to give some thought to how connectivity helps boost innovation and were given tools to discover their motivation using the SEAT eXS electric Kickscooter, or film a one-minute spot showcasing the electric SEAT Mii. Entrepreneurship was also highlighted by Iván Fernández, cofounder of the Dihola start-up, who explained to them how to set up a business while studying.

The most famous teacher on YouTube as special guest star

David Calle, the founder of the YouTube channel Unicoos and the website and also known as the “YouTube teacher” spoke at the beginning and end of the session. David is a telecommunications engineer who gives physics, chemistry and maths lessons on his YouTube channel ‘Unicoos’, which has over a million subscribers who tune in for training at no cost to young people as well as others who do not have an opportunity to get an education. He was a finalist for the Global Teacher Prize and was acknowledged by Forbes magazine as one of the most creative people in the world.

During the lecture he offered to the audience, David Calle explained that “what’s most important right now is that you ask yourself questions in order to find out who you are what stimulates your curiosity, so that in the future it can become a professional career for you to pursue.”

With initiatives of this type, SEAT strengthens its commitment to youth employment and to training future professionals so they can successfully tackle the challenges posed by the working environment.

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